Offshore Crude Mixing Control System
Solid State Automation designed and developed a control system for an off shore mixing platform. The system is housed in a Nema 7 enclosure and allows operator interface via an IS track pad. This allows the operator the full functionality of an HMI even in a hazardous environment.
USS Nassau Ship Monitoring System
The Beaumont Reserve Fleet required a monitoring system capable of tracking temperature, humidity, intrusion, corrosion, and fire protection. Additionally, they needed a system that could communicate all that information back to a central monitoring station. Solid State Automation installed a system aboard the USS Nassau that included 6 fire monitoring boxes, 12 humidty/temperature/air quality sensors, 2 intrusion detectors, and 3 current transducers to monitor ship power. All the information the monitoring system gathered was transmitted wirelessly over two miles back to the central monitoring station and displayed on a custom HMI. The system also included a solar panel and battery array that enabled the system to run even in the event of a shore power loss.
Drilling Rig Control System
Working with a drilling contractor in Louisiana, Solid State Automation developed a complete drilling control system for a barge based drill rig. The system can assign different DC motors to different DC drives and an operator can control mud pumps, top drive, draw works, and auxiliary pumps and motors. The system also interfaces with a smart MCC lineup, the main barge generators, and has remote interface capabilities for monitoring and troubleshooting as well as handling blackout prevention.
Vessel and Drilling Management System
For a drilling contractor retrofitting a jackup rig for the North Sea, Solid State Automation developed a PLC based vessel and drilling management system. The system manages and controls the assignment of thruster motors, mudpump motors, and draw works motors to various SCR drives and the operation of their associated auxiliary motors. Additionally, the system monitors the generators and manages blackout prevention. The system is based on the S7-300 PLC and interfaces with a NOV Cyberbase system.
Lower Granite Dam Hydromet Upgrade
Solid State Automation was contracted by the Army Corp of Engineers to upgrade their Hydromet system at the Lower Granite River Dam. Installation included putting in new sample station equipment at various locations along the snake river as well as building a new communication network to bring the sample station data back to the dam. Work also included building an HMI which gives real time data of all the sample stations, the communications network, and feeds information into the local SCADA system.
Multi Wellhead Management System
In conjunction with a local skid manufacturer, Solid State Automation and Controls has developed a PLC based multiport valve and pump control system. The skid is based around a multiport valve that allows up to seven wells to be brought in simultaneously. This system allows for testing of multiple well sites with the use of a single flow meter and can capture individual wellhead production rates. The system is scalable between one and seven wellheads per skid and is able to be connected remotely via serial, Ethernet, radio, or satellite.
Skid Based Compressor Control System
Solid State Automation is a primary supplier of several different control systems for a major compressor skid manufacturer. The systems interface with the compressor through either a soft starter or VFD, and provide monitoring, and safety shutdown.
Hydraulic Control System for Land Based Rigs
Currently Solid State Automation is the primary supplier of control systems for a major hydraulic skid manufacturer. Our automation systems control all major aspects of a hydraulically based system including rig up and rig down as well as a walking system. Both Class 1 Div 1 and Class 1 Div 2 systems have been built for this application.
Keesler AFB Training Simulators
Keesler AFB required an experienced control system organization to provided expertise on how to teach their students on municipality control systems with an emphasis on water management, electrical systems, power distribution, and integrated control systems in a municipal setting. The project was centered around providing an overview training class on control systems for Air Force cadets and also included providing a complete control system that fully modeled a municipal system. The control system employed a SCADA system, multi PLC communication and control with both discreet and analog signals across the system as well as wireless integration.
Kirtland AFB Vent Control System Upgrade
At Kirtland AFB Solid State Automation was tasked with overhauling five PLC based control systems in a research laboratory and providing a control system that gave them real time information on the system status as well as air flow rate and other information via a custom designed HMI. The system included four process controllers as well as a central VFD controller that communicated over a Modbus/Ethernet system to a central control console.